[Netflix Only] Sara Colangelo's captivating, factually based, thought-provoking, heartbreaking, well-acted, moving, star-studded (Tate Donovan, Talia Balsam, Marc Maron, Chris Tardio, Victor Slezak, Gayle Rankin, Catherine Curtin, Johanna Day, and James Ciccone), 118-minute, 2020 biographical film adapted from Feinberg's 2005 bestselling memoir in which dedicated, no-nonsense, well-respected Boston attorney and mediator Kenneth Feinberg (Michael Keaton) heads up the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund after the gut-wrenching Twin Towers and Pentagon attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, and with his team of lawyers (Amy Ryan, Shunori Ramanathan, Ato Blankson-Wood, et al.) have the impossible, unenviable, complex task of determining how to fairly allocate billions of dollars to more than 7,000 grief-stricken victims (Stanley Tucci, Laura Benanti, Andy Schneeflock, et al.).