Wisdom Gone Wild
[Available Nov. 20 on PBS and streaming without PBS Passport membership until February 20, 2024, at pbs.org and the PBS App.] Rea Tajiri's heartfelt, award-winning, enlightening, humorous, nonlinear, insightful, candid, 84-minute documentary, which is interspersed with archival photographs and film clips, that chronicles the life of yoga-practicing, singing-loving, retired beautician, widowed, 93-year-old, Japanese-American Rose Noda Tajiri over 16 years as she struggles with memory loss after dementia was diagnosed at age 75 and reminiscences about her life while family, including daughter Rea and son Brion, try to understand the best way to care for her and make connections through conversations and her various wisdoms on topics such as beauty, art, animals, and nourishment.